
Interoperability is missing in business

The lack of interoperability between the rival MFS (mobile financial service) providers is holding back the equitable growth of the sector. This non-availability of much needed interoperability in the MFS sector is against competition and thereby against the business. Shamim A. Zahedy Panelists these days at webinars in charged-up voices pitch for exponential growth of

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Govt needs to be techie to reach out to people in need of aid

If the relevant demographic data including employment and income info are added to people’s national ID cards, the government can easily prepare a robust database for relief operations Shamim A. Zahedy When availability of data and statistics for many formal sectors is a big hurdle in Bangladesh, let alone those on informal and non-formal areas,

Govt needs to be techie to reach out to people in need of aid Read More »

New business model required for news media in the post-virus era

The news media must now stop publishing each and everything for free in the web. They must forge a new way in the ever-growing digital space to ensure their revenue, for making media strong and viable Shamim A. Zahedy While NOAB, the short for Newspaper Owners’ Association of Bangladesh, has sought government bailout for print

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Thank you, readers

SHAMIM A. ZAHEDY, Dhaka The Independent, one of the oldest English language dailies that have been in continuous operation in Bangladesh, marks today (26 March 2020) its 25th founding anniversary amid the novel coronavirus pandemic that has so far killed 20,334 people globally including five in Bangladesh. Indeed, in a sombre mood, the newspaper, which

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